Monday, March 16, 2009

A Tour of the Base

So I figured I would guide everyone around the base a little bit with pictures of the outsides of some of the buildings. This will give me another day to blog about the insides of the buildings (after I have taken pictures of the inside). I figured it would be first fitting to show everyone the dorms, so here is a picture of them. This dorm is 8 stories tall and there are two of them on base.

Now if you thought that is where I lived, you thought like I did when I first got here. Boy was I wrong. This is my dorm from the outside.

It is not too bad. At least it gives me a place to sleep. Speaking of a place to sleep. Here are a few pictures now of just my room. I am lucky as to the fact that I have a full size bed unlike most folks who have only twins. I have a box spring, most have a spring flat that their mattress sit on. I also have a couch, fridge, microwave, small entertainment center, desk, night stand, 2 wall closets, and a sink. I share a bathroom currently with 2 other guys (who are sharing a room).

One thing nice about the dorm also is from the balcony down the hall this is the view looking both directions. As you can see, it is a nice view. We are looking out over the yellow sea in which you can see one of the islands out there in the distance. The other picture are the hills just off base.

Down the stairs from the patio you come to our laundry room. Through the laundry room you come across a gold and purple door (the colors of the two different fly units out here, mine being gold). On the weekends the door is opened and you enter what is known as the hootch. It is essentially a bar just for those folks in my squadron, no one else. It gives everyone a safe place to drink, have fun, kick back, and have a good time. For those who drink it costs them a dollar for a beer. For those of us who don't drink, soda is free. That is a nice perk to being the designated nondrinker (since we don't drive out here). In this room we have a pool table (which I spend most of my time), 4 or 6 dart boards, a foos ball table, and of course a real bar with really good music playing all the time. This picture shows how crowded it can be in there.

So now quickly, these last pictures are first the dining hall where I get to eat for free. Food is ok, but usually dried out. It really reminds me of my cooking of meats. The price is good though.

This is the Commissary (Grocery Store). It is American, so it is no different than any other grocery store in America. You can also see 2 base taxi's. They will take you anywhere on base for $2.30 or 4000 Korean Won. Great for extremely cold, windy, or rainy days. They will also take us to the EMart (see last weeks post) for $15 USD or 23000 Korean Won or like I found out today taking a non base taxi will cost you 15000 Korean Won, but they cannot come on base. Think I will take the bus for now on. It only runs on the weekends and makes only 3 trips, but you can buy a round trip pass for 6 dollars.

This is the BX. The BX has a barber shop that I found tonight. Let me tell you about this. For like $8 USD I got a haircut and for a couple more dollars I got a shampoo. What they don't tell you the first time is that your shampoo comes with a scalp massage. Also your haircut comes with a quick back and neck massage. For $21 USD you can get what they call the full works. This comes with everything mentioned plus manicure, facial, and massage. Sounds like a great deal to me. I get a haircut every 2 weeks, might have to make every other hair cut the works.

Parked out front of the BX is a place where you can order new cars for when you get home to the US. Here is a 2010 Mustang GT 45 year anniversary. My price would be $26,050. Should I buy it Kristi?

Here is a picture of our Library. What can I say, it's a library like any other.

And one last picture. Here is a picture of the base theater. It is a lot cheaper than regular theaters. Movies are generally a couple of weeks late though.

Until next time. Everyone take care. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can start venturing further out.


  1. Yes, you should buy me that 2010 Mustang GT 45 year anniversary edition car and then in 5 years you can buy me the 50th Anniversary edition.

  2. I wish I could get a great deal on my haircuts - I would definately splurge and get "the works" every other time!

  3. I'll take one of those cars too, please.
