Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Good Day of Bass Fishing

We hit another reservoir tonight. Got a fishing report from some guys here on base that they had caught around 60 fish between the three of them (possible fish story) so we decided to check it out tonight. This location was about an extra 5 minute ride away from base. We got to the spot and it seemed OK, not as much open water as we would like but we figured we would give it a shot.

We ended up doing some fishing off the dock, and also some off to the left. We found the water to have lots of foliage throughout even when it looked like there was none. We did find this to be helpful in getting the fish. I was throwing the same fly as yesterday since it seemed to work well. Sure enough it did. I caught 7 large mouth bass tonight and my buddy Turkey caught 12. The weather was around 70 degrees. It had cooled off today compared to most days and we had cloudy skys. We were getting a pretty good wind too most the evening which was making the fly presentation a pain since it was hard to aim tonight.

This is my little one. This is what most of my fish looked like tonight. Not a big guy, but they sure do put up a good fight.

This was my best tonight. He weighed in probably close to a pound. I actually had 2 others on about this size, but they make a good run for the weeds and get you tangled up so they can get off the fly. I think they know what they are doing. Oh well, they still put up a good fight while they were on. Gonna head out again tomorrow evening; the spot TBD.

This picture is mainly to reference the size.

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