Sunday, May 24, 2009

Greetings to all from Japan

I am sorry for not posting in a long time. Work has been hectic and with the rainy season on us, haven't done anything worth posting about. I did get notice about a month ago though I was going to Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan. We are way down here in the tropics. I will be here for a few weeks and then will return back to my temporary home at Kunsan AB, Korea (ROK). Today I was bored and went for a little stroll. Not sure how long of a stroll it was, but I think 4 miles there and 4 miles back. Decided to head to the beach and check out the AF marina. I took some pics along the way to share with everyone to show you how green it is here. It is different here in a very nice way. Enjoy some of these pics. I am however though, not in any of these pics. No one with me to take a pic. Well bad news, the internet sucks here so much that I can't even post pics. Hopefully I can make it somewhere where there is decent internet so I can get the pics posted. Sorry everyone.